Likud MK Haim Katz, Chairman of the Knesset’s Labor, Welfare and Health Committee and one of the strongest member of Likud in terms of political clout, toured Samaria Monday and came out roundly against the intention to demolish numerous Jewish homes after the holidays.
Katz is also the longtime chairman of the Israel Aerospace Industry’s Workers’ Union – a position that gives him control, according to political pundits, of a large number of Likud party members.
As regards the legal problems facing the communities, Katz was angered by what he learned on the tour. “We will not allow or enable, under any circumstances and in any way, the tearing down of communities that the Left calls ‘outposts,'” he said. “Israel will not exist without settlement.
“Anyone who wants to uproot Jews from their homes after the resounding failure of the retreat from Gaza and the communities of northern Samaria – does not understand where he is living.”