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svgadminsvgFebruary 26, 2012svgNews

PA Carjacking Wave Continues

Palestinian Authority thieves have continued a wave of near-daily carjack thefts that began two weeks ago – and are continuing to target lone female Israeli motorists. On Sunday, thieves went so far as to cause a collision in order to take a woman’s car.

The latest attack took place on Highway 437 near the Jewish town of Anatot in the Binyamin region. PA Arab men rammed the woman’s car. Then, when she exited her vehicle to assess the damage, they jumped into the car and drove off, leaving her stranded at the side of the road.

Miri Weitzman of Peduel was the victim of a carjacking last week. The attack began when a car carrying PA Arab men passed her, she told Arutz Sheva.

“They looked to see who was in [my] car, and then they blocked me,” she recalled. “Two Palestinian men got out of the car, and because my doors were locked like they always are, they smashed the window. Then they opened the door and screamed at me, ‘Do you want to die?’”

The two then drove off in Weitzman’s car, leaving her alone in the dark on the side of the highway.

Just one day earlier Orli Ofir of Kedumim was dragged from her car at night by PA carjackers. She was left with injuries, and was forced to walk down the highway while hurt for roughly 15 minutes before finding help.

Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Mesika called on the heads of regional security, both police and military, to take a tough approach to the carjacking wave. “This is terrorism and it is a deadly threat,” he warned.

Terror is on the rise in Judea and Samaria.

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