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svgadminsvgOctober 17, 2012svgNews

Gaza Rocket Barrage Targets Sderot

Terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza fired a barrage of at least seven rockets at the city of Sderot and the nearby area on Tuesday night.

Kol Yisrael radio reported that one of the rockets exploded next to a local kindergarten. No one was physically injured but damage was caused to the building.

The other rockets exploded in open areas. There were no reports of casualties or damage.

According to the Kol Yisrael report, IDF soldiers opened fire at the terror squad that fired the rockets. The report cited sources in Gaza as having said the terrorists were hit.

Earlier on Tuesday night, a Kassam rocket fired by Gaza terrorists on southern Israel prompted a “red alert” siren. There were no reports of physical injuries in that attack.

Gaza-based terrorists have fired dozens of rockets at southern Israel this past week, most of which have fallen in open areas. The escalation in rocket attacks began after an Israeli air strike on Sunday in Gaza hit two Global Jihad terrorists.

The terrorists responded by firing over 50 rockets at Israel during the holiday of Simchat Torah alone, with more being fired in the days that followed.

The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) terror group vowed to retaliate against Israel on Sunday after announcing that two men killed earlier in an IAF air strike were members of the group

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