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svgadminsvgOctober 26, 2011svgNews

Hevron Warns Freed Terrorist Not to Return

Hani Ressami, who murdered yeshiva student Erez Samuel in Hevron, was released last week as part of a deal with Hamas to exchange 1,027 terrorists for the freedom of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.

Ressami is expected to return to work at his store, located near where he murdered Samuel.

But Jewish residents in Hevron have decided they will not accept his return and have plastered posters in Hebrew and Arabic up, saying that Ressami would not return safely to Hevron – and that the safest place for him is in prison.

These words were written in Hebrew, “You can be the next victim! You must not be silent! This dog lives near the Erez Lane!”  At the end of the flyer it says, “Unless you kill him, he’ll kill you! First come first served”.

The Arabic version of the leaflet provides a phone number and reads, “Residents of Hevron, anyone who knows Ressami and can give information about him should call.”

Those who call the number listed will hear a pre-recorded message in Arabic, which offers a reward for anyone whosoever comes forward with information on Ressami.

Kiryat Arba – Hebron councilman Benzi Gopstein told Arutz Sheva, “The safest place for terrorists is prison.”

“He should know he cannot walk freely around in Hevron,” Gopstein said. “We urge everyone who sees this murderer to be mindful of the verse [a Talmudic proverb -Ed.], ‘If one comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.'”

Israeli police officials were quick to condemn the posters. However, residents in eastern Jerusalem, and Judea and Samaria, have expressed extreme frustration over policies under which they say authorities fail to provide adequate protection and then criticize them for seeking to defend themselves.

Outgoing Yesha battalion commander Nitzan Alon openly advocated reducing protection for communities in Yesha, who already feel their security situation has grown precarious. The release of terrorists with blood on their hands in the Shalit deal has only amplified those feelings.

The Jewish community in Hevron is one of the most heavily impacted by terror in Israel today. Far from ending with the 1929 Hevron Massacre, which resulted in the mass murder of 67 Jews, there have been no fewer than 22 attacks since the Jewish community was reestablished in Israel’s second-holiest city in 1968.

  1. 09.10.68 A 17 year-old Arab youth threw a grenade at Jews praying on the steps of the Tomb’s main gate. Forty-seven Jews, including an eight month-old baby, were injured.
  2. 05.11.68 A Jewish man and his son, an elderly Arab man, and three Arab children, were injured by an explosive charge near the Tomb.
  3. 29.12.68 Terrorists attack a security post near the Tomb. One terrorist was killed; the others fled. No Israeli soldiers were injured.
  4. 07.08.76 Two Jews were wounded when terrorists shot at a tour bus in the city.
  5. 03.10.76 On the eve of Yom Kippur, a mob of Arab youths burst into the Tomb and desecrated several Torah scrolls. Three soldiers fired in the air in an attempt to prevent their entry. Sixty-one rioters were arrested in the Tomb.
  6. 02.05.80 Arab terrorists ambushed a group of Jews returning from the Tomb to Beit Hadassah. Six Jews were murdered and 20 wounded.
  7. 25.10.92 Three Arab terrorists shot at soldiers guarding the Tomb’s generator. One reserve soldier was murdered; two were wounded.
  8. 28.05.93 Yeshiva student Erez Shmuel was stabbed to death approximately 500 meters from the Tomb, while on his way to Friday evening prayers at the Tomb.
  9. 06.12.93 Mordechai Lapid and his son Shalom were shot to death near Glass Junction in Hebron. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  10. 07.07.94 Sarit Prigal (17) was shot to death in a drive-by shooting, when terrorists opened fire from a passing car near the entrance to Kiryat Arba.
  11. 19.03.95 Nahum Hoss (31) of Hebron, and Yehuda Partus (34) of Kiryat Arba, were murdered by shots fired at their bus from a terrorist ambush near Glass Junction in Hebron. Six others were injured.
  12. 26.10.01 A terrorist with a sniper rifle murdered ten-month old Shalhevet Pass, who was seated in a stroller in a playground at the entrance to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood.
  13. 15.11.02 Twelve Israelis were killed and 15 others wounded in Hebron when Palestinian terrorists opened fire and threw grenades at a group of Jewish worshippers as they walked home from Sabbath prayers at the Cave of the Patriarchs. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attacks.
  14. 27.12.02 Terrorists broke into a dining hall at a yeshiva in Otneil, south of Hebron, and killed 4 students who were working in the yeshiva kitchen, and injured ten others. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
  15. 17.05.03 A pregnant Israeli woman and her husband were killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself next to them in a public square in Hebron. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  16. 26.09.03 Eyal Yeberbaum, 27, and 7-month old infant Shaked Avraham were shot dead by a Palestinian terrorist who knocked on the door of a home in Negohot, south of Hebron, during a celebratory Jewish New Year holiday dinner. Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the attack.
  17. 24.06.05 Two teenagers were killed and three others wounded in a drive-by shooting near Hebron. The Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.
  18. 16.10.05 Palestinian gunmen killed three Israelis and wounded as least 5 others in two separate drive-by shootings in the West Bank. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for both attacks.
  19. 28.12.07 Two Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists while hiking outside of Hebron. A third hiker managed to escape.
  20. 14.06.10 One soldier was killed and 3 police officers were wounded in shooting attack on their vehicle at Al Fawar Junction, south of Hebron
  21. 31.08.10 Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.
  22. 23.09.11 Twenty-five year old Asher Palmer and his infant son Yonatan were killed on the road near Hevron when a local Arab hurled a massive rock into his windshield while he was driving.

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