“This September is likely to be a ‘black September’ – but only for the United Nations General Assembly and the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians,” says a speech prepared by Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin.
The PA seems to believe that the UN will serve as an “Israel bypass route” allowing it to achieve statehood without making concessions, Rivlin says. This approach is “fundamentally delusional,” he adds.
Rivlin is to speak Monday at the grand opening of a new cultural center in Kiryat Arba.
Similar statements were made Sunday by Yaakov Amidror, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s advisor on national security. The PA’s bid for recognition will put it in an untenable position, he declared.
Only negotiations will bring positive results for either side, said Amidror, adding that Israel has been calling to resume negotiations for some time.