MK Adi Koll (Yesh Atid) announced on Tuesday that she would be quitting politics and returning to work in the field of education.
In a letter sent to members of her party, Koll wrote that she had reached the conclusion that parliamentary life is not suitable for her at this time, and she prefers to engage in social action.
“The last two years have been for me an empowering experience that showed me another aspect of public action, and allowed me to reach a variety of fields, whether through legislation, parliamentary work, or through the Committee for Public Enquiries, which became a major tool for change and the creation of direct contact with the public,” she said.
“I found in the members of Yesh Atid a remarkable group that is committed to doing things for the public and which quickly became a family for me. So I’m not leaving Yesh Atid, and I consider myself a full partner who is committed to its success in the coming elections,” stressed Koll.
Koll was involved in some controversy in her short time in the Knesset, the most memorable of which took place last year, when she violated coalition discipline and abstained during the vote in the Knesset on the Governance Bill.
Koll’s ignoring coalition discipline caused the chairman of her party, Yair Lapid, to suspend her from parliamentary activity for a lengthy period of time.
She was also active in promoting civil marriage in Israel, and put forth a bill to grant same-sex couples a tax discount. The bill initially faced opposition from the Jewish Home party, which accused Koll of attempting to “force a change in the status quo through the back door.”
However, a compromise was eventually reached giving same-sex couples the equal tax breaks but not through official recognition in the legislation, sparing Jewish Home from being perceived as officially condoning same-sex marriage.