The Election Commission of Likud, led by Justice Menachem Ne’eman, has officially placed MK Tzipi Hotovely in the #20 spot for the Likud list, it announced Monday.
Hotovely replaced new candidate and former Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) head Avi Dichter, originally slated for the #20 spot. Dicther, seen by some as a “moderate” choice in comparison to the more right-leaning Hotovely, has now been bumped to a less-realistic 26th place.
Dicther is expected to file an appeal within the Likud court.
Last week, Dichter fired that, in his view, several polling stations across the country “suffered from many serious flaws, bordering on criminal, that have cast a terrible stain on the entire movement. I can’t accept this position until these flaws are sorted out.”
According to Dichter, at one of the polling stations in Jerusalem, “double envelopes cast by 700 residents of Judea and Samaria were counted tightening the gap between Dichter and Hotovely from 754 to 55 votes.”
These results, Dichter argued in his appeal “are criminal. We’re speaking about envelopes brought in the day after elections by foreign entities, who have an interest in influencing the election.”