A close associate of Rabbi Haim Amsallem of the “Am Shalem” movement said that the party was considering running in the March 17 elections – and was thinking of drafting Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak to the ticket.
The source said that it was not clear if Yitzchak was planning to run on his own ticket in the upcoming election, as both he and Amsallem did two years ago, in the campaign for the 19th Knesset. Neither party achieved the minimum number of votes needed for a Knesset seat.
Yitzchak is known among Israelis for his distinct speaking style and large rallies. Considered an excellent orator, Yitzchak holds thousands of people spellbound as he describes modern social ills, and instructs listeners that observance of the Torah is the solution to those problems. Among the highlights of his events is a mass haircut given on stage to young men who agree to cut their locks and become observant.
Amnon Yitzchak is an advocate of full-time yeshiva study for young men, and urges his listeners to eschew army service – and secular life in general – while Amsallem is known for his moderate views and encouraging IDF service. The source said that despite the differences in ideology between the two, they have a great deal in common on economic and social issues, and could accomplish a great deal working together on those issues.