Noam Shalit, father of Gilad Shalit, hinted Thursday evening in a news conference that his son had been abused during his captivity. “He underwent harsh things during his captivity and when the time comes we will elaborate,” said Shalit, who spoke to reporters at Mitzpe Hila, where the family lives.
“Gilad feels good overall,” Noam Shalit said. “He is under treatment and observation. He started going out of the house, he wants to get out of the house. He is playing ping pong, meeting friends, eating with an appetite.”
He said Gilad’s captors treated him harshly in the first 6 to 12 months of his captivity, and that things subsequently improved.
“He needs his own time to adjust after a long period of nearly 2,000 days in isolation without sunlight,” Noam Shalit said. “He is suffering from a lack of sunlight [that causes a Vitamin D deficiency – Ed.]. We hope he will adapt quickly. I understand that there is a great desire to photograph him but patience is required, he cannot meet such a large number of people at once.”
The head of the terror group “The Resistance Committees” told the Arab newspaper Al Hayat that Shalit “was held in good and humane conditions, better than the ones in which Israel holds our prisoners. He watched television and listened to the radio, and we carefully maintained his medical physical condition and his mental condition.”
Terrorists imprisoned in Israel, besides receiving visitors, engaging in sports and often completing academic degrees, have access to a canteen and are provided with a healthful diet.