Amid all the talk of empowering “moderate” Iraqi elements in order to combat the rise of the Islamic State (or ISIS), some might argue that the finer and sometimes more inconvenient points of the reality on the ground – such as American airstrikes directly aiding Iranian-backed militias, and the rampant corruption of the Iraqi government and deep sectarian grievances which helped fuel the conflict – have been overlooked, willfully or otherwise.
So hey, what’s a little anti-Semitism between allies?
A trailer promoting a new TV satire mocking ISIS portrays the group as the offspring of a marriage between the devil… and a Jewess.
It appears that even “moderation” is relative”.
Ironically, although the spoof trailer notes the way Iraqi Christians have been driven out of the country, it neglects to mention that Iraqi Jews were similarly ethnically-cleansed just a generation or two ago – by precisely the kind of latent anti-Semitism exhibited by the video.
That being said, it’s unlikely many Iraqi Jews are exactly pining to return, so good luck to them…