GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is joining a New York rally with a leader of the Likud party’s strongly nationalist flank Tuesday.
The Texas governor will hold a press conference in New York on Tuesday (today) with Knesset Member Danny Danon, who supports bringing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria under Israeli sovereignty. Danon is expected to ask Perry to back the move as a response to the Palestinian Authority’s bypassing direct talks with Israel and going to the United Nations for unilateral recognition.
Perry’s high-profile appearance comes one week after the Republican party upset in a long-time Democratic Congressional district in New York, where a special election was held for the seat vacated by Jewish Democrat Anthony Weiner. The district is heavily populated by orthodox Jews, but the vote against a Jewish observant Democrat and for a Republican Catholic sent a clear warning to President Barack Obama and his party that he cannot count on the “Jewish vote.”
Perry wrote in The Wall Street Journal on Friday that President Obama is to blame for the Palestinian Authority’s latest tactic to avoid negotiating with Israel over a future PA state.
He argued that constant pressure for Israeli concessions, along with President Obama’s attempts to “engage” Syria and Iran, encouraged PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to reject compromise.
The rally urges Jews to “join our community and stand with Governor Rick Perry against the UN vote for Palestinian statehood.” He also will address the Veterans of Foreign Wars 112th National Conference.