‘Palestinian’ academic Azzam Tamimi, who publicly condones suicide bombings against Israelis, provoked outrage amongst the student population at a London university, on Friday, the Huffington Post reported.
Tamimi, who is also a supporter of Hamas, is scheduled to address an event organized by the Queen Mary University’s (QMU) Palestine Solidarity Society, on Tuesday.
In 2004 he told the BBC: “You see, sacrificing myself for Palestine is a noble cause. It is the straight way to pleasing my God and I would do it if I had the opportunity.”
Tamimi is scheduled to speak along with Baroness Tonge and ultra-leftist Professor Haim Bresheeth, an Israeli academic, both of whom are known for their criticism of Israel.
Students Rights, a student group at the university, lashed out against the event saying, “It is bad enough that Tamimi, a supporter of an anti-Semitic terrorist group like Hamas, should be invited onto a campus to speak, as he was at Loughborough University last November. However, what is worse is that not only will there be no balance to his hate filled views, but that the panel he will speak alongside have all declared outspoken opposition to Israel in the past.”
“Most famous for declaring in 2004 that he would ‘do it if he had the opportunity’ when questioned over his support for suicide bombings, he has also been filmed declaring his support for ‘the great jihad of Hizbullah’ and ‘the great jihad of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.’”
He has frequently denied the legitimacy of the Jewish state, claiming that “Israel has no right to exist.”
“We have frequently called for panels at events like this to be balanced, yet student societies continue to load their panels to suit their own opinions,” the student group protested.
Despite student protests, the university is determined to allow the event to go on as scheduled, stating that they “don’t have the right to block the event unless it’s for health and safety reasons.”