The pro-Israel organization StandWithUs has launched a poster campaign in the San Francisco area to counter a pro-PA poster campaign that calls for an end to American military aid to Israel.
The StandWithUs organization has countered with a poster of two boys, one an Israeli Arab and the other Jewish, next to the slogan, “Israel Needs a Partner for Peace.” The campaign will run through this week and is timed with the Arab motion for unilateral recognition of the Palestinian Authority by the United Nations.
The group plans to extend the campaign to the New York subway system, where left-wing organizations have paid for posters at subway stations.
The “Two Peoples, One Future” group’s slick “Be On Our Side” campaign includes pictures of cleanly scrubbed Arab and Jewish children as well as depictions of armed Israeli soldiers detaining Arab terror suspects.
The campaign includes a picture depicting an IDF soldier in a negative light, apparently threatening three Arab women with his rifle, and is accompanied by the headline, “Israel Putting Your Tax Dollars to Work.”
The “Yes to Peace” group has countered that “both sides [must] say ‘yes’ to the national identity and existence of the other. Israel has recognized Palestinian nationalism. Now the Palestinians must also accept Jewish nationalism.”