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svgadminsvgMay 11, 2012svgNews

Peres Undergoes Successful Hernia Surgery

President Shimon Peres underwent surgery on Friday afternoon to treat a hernia in his abdomen.

According to a message posted on Peres’ Facebook page, “During Peres’ official visit to Canada a hernia was discovered in his abdomen. The President received treatment by his personal physician, Professor Rafi Walden, and continued with his planned itinerary.”

Upon his return to Israel, Peres was taken to the Sheba Hospital at Tel Hashomer and underwent the surgery. He came through the surgery successfully, and wished to deeply thank all those who wished him a full recovery.

Peres’ staff said on Friday evening that the President had undergone a routine procedure and that he is expected to be released from the hospital and resume his duties on Sunday.

During his visit to Canada, Peres met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair and other government officials. He visited Montreal and on Wednesday, he delivered a speech to the Jewish community in Toronto after meeting with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Peres also met with Governor General David Johnston, who welcomed the Israeli President upon his arrival in Canada. The two men followed protocol by reviewing the ceremonial honor guard that greeted Peres with a 21 gun salute and issuing joint statements, before holding a working meeting.

The two also spoke at a roundtable discussion in Ottawa on education and innovation.

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