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svgadminsvgFebruary 20, 2015svgNews

Northwestern University Votes to Divest from Israel

After Hamas “took over” the University of California, Davis late last month, another student senate has voted to discriminate against Israel financially, as the student senate of Northwestern University in Chicago on Thursday voted to divest.

The university’s senate passed a resolution sponsored by Northwestern Divest (NUDivest) calling to divest from six corporations they claim contribute to “human rights violations” against Palestinian Arabs, reports the Daily Northwestern.

In a vote of 24 for and 22 against with three abstentions, which came after a five-hour debate, the senate passed the resolution against Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Hewlett-Packard, G4S, Caterpillar and Elbit Systems.

Likewise, the resolution calls for an “investment transparency task force,” evidently to make sure investments don’t benefit Israel.

However despite the anti-Israel resolution, at this stage it is only a recommendation to officials of the university, and not a policy change for the school. Now NUDivest intends to approach the administration with its discriminatory recommendations.

The vote comes after NUDivest held a BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement) workshop on campus two weeks ago.

One student, Josh Schwartz, warned at the vote “if we allow this climate to persist, then it will be a long time before we can confront the issues that divide us.”

“This is the risk we run by passing the resolution: We risk putting a major obstacle in front of mutual understanding and empathy at Northwestern and in Israel and Palestine,” added Schwartz.

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