Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attacked the participants in the Summit of Non-Aligned States being held in Iran. “70 years ago, six million members of our people were annihilated in a genocidal act,” he said. “Today, representatives of over 120 states are in Tehran, where the regime denies the Holocaust and is acting to destroy the Jewish state. This regime is cruel to its citizens, cooperates in the massacre of innocent Syrians and cries ‘Death to America, death to Israel.'”
Netanyahu said this at the start of his meeting with David McAllister, Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, who is visiting Israel.
“It appears that many in the international community have learned nothing,” Netanyahu said. “I think this is a disgrace and a stain upon humanity. I am glad that Germany is among the states that refuse to take part in this charade and denounces it, because our coomon future depends upon standing up to this inhumanity and cruelty.”
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon met Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Wednesday, according to Iran’s Fars news agency.