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svgadminsvgJanuary 25, 2012svgNews

MK Tells US: Prepare for Abdullah’s Fall

MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) told U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro on Wednesday that the plan for two countries west of the Jordan River has reached a dead end.

Eldad advised him to talk to his higher-ups in Washington about the need to develop an alternative plan, with an emphasis on opportunities that will open up when Hashemite rule in Jordan ends, and Jordan will become the Palestinian nation state.

Previous statements on the subject by Eldad caused anger in Jordan.

Shapiro was the guest of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. When reporters asked him about Jonathan Pollard, who has been languishing for more than 25 years in an American jail for passing secret information to Israel, Shapiro said he does not want to speculate in the matter and does not know how the matter will be resolved.

MK Meir Sheetrit (Kadima) wanted to know why MK Michael Ben-Ari failed to receive a U.S. entry visa while Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Hamas officials are allowed in, Shapiro answered that he does not deal with these matters,.

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