In an interview with a Turkish newspaper, Iran’ s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Saleh said that if attacked Iran would impose “a cruel response on all nations in the region that seek to insult Iran.” Not leaving the interviewer to guess to whom he was referring, Saleh derided the latest round of reports in the media of Israeli preparation for an attack on Iran, saying that “Israel is constantly threatening Iran, this is nothing new for us. But we are sure of ourselves we can defend our country.”
On Wednesday, a number of reports said that the United States and Britain were preparing for an assault on Iran, while Israel had completed a long-range training exercise in Sardinia. No details were released on the exercise, but it was assumed that Israeli fighter pilots had tested weapons systems and practiced methods of refueling in the air, assuming there would be no place to land (such as when flying over a long stretch of hostile countries) on a bombing mission.
Meanwhile, the British Guardian reported Wednesday that Downing Street has agreed to help the U.S. in a strike on Iran, even if parliamentary support is hard to come by. “In anticipation of a potential attack, British military planners are examining where best to deploy Royal Navy ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles over the coming months as part of what would be an air- and sea-launched campaign,” the report said. Officials said that the U.S. would launch some missile attacks from British ships, if action was taken against Iran, as well as from the British protectorate of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean,
According to the Guardian, the decision to strike Iran came about as the result of the successful campaign that resulted in the dethroning of Muammar Qaddafi as dictator of Libya.
Salehi, in his interview with Turkey’s Hurriyet newspaper, said that Iran “is always ready for war. We have been hearing these threats from Israel for eight years already. We are united, our roots are planted deeply in our history. These threats are not new,” he added.
In a statement, top Iranian military officials said that the country would “punish” any violation of its sovereignty, no matter by whom. “”The United States is fully aware that a military attack by the Zionist regime on Iran will not only cause tremendous damage to that regime, but it will also inflict serious damage to the U.S.,” a top Iranian general said Wednesday. “We, as the military, take every threat, however distant and improbable, as very real, and are fully prepared to use suitable equipment to punish any kind of mistake,” the officials said.