Iran is being coy in its response – or lack of it – to the request by the United Nations to send a mission to assess whether its scientists are building an atomic weapon or not.
Although the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency sent its letter of request to Tehran on November 2, the Iranian government has yet to respond.
The head of the IAEA, Yukio Amano, reiterated his request on Thursday in an address delivered at the opening of the meeting of the agency’s board of governors. The board approved a resolution calling on Iran to address concerns about the military dimensions of its nuclear development activities.
“The visit was supposed to take place before the board meeting, and therefore the request by the IAEA general director to dispatch the inspection team should first be examined again by Tehran,” Ali Asghar Soltanieh said on Saturday in a statement to the ISNA news agency.
Soltanieh’s coy response made it clear that Tehran was continuing to play for more time, however — just as the evidence detailed in the November 8 IAEA report presented at the gathering made it equally clear that time for an intervention to block further development of a nuclear weapon by Iran is rapidly running out.