Gaza’s “Economy Ministry” has successfully foiled an aid shipment of “settlement goods” through the Kerem Shalom crossing, it announced Friday.
The shipment included 204 multilock doors manufactured in Barkan, a Jewish industrial complex in Jewish areas of Judea-Samaria, all of which carried the Israeli company logo of lock manufacturer “Rav Bariach.”
The doors had been labelled as being for the purpose of the reconstruction of Gaza – an issue which Palestinian Arab authorities have made into a public platform begging for more humanitarian aid.
But instead of gratefully accepting the offer, Hamas claimed the import “exploited the situation to sneak settlement goods into Gaza.”
Hamas, which controls Gaza unrestricted by its pact with the Palestinian Authority (PA), sees Israel as the enemy, an illegal political entity – which it seeks to boycott. Nonetheless, it also demands that Israel open its border crossings and allow a steady flow of goods from the PA, and possibly from within Israel as well.