The IDF’s Development Branch is close to launching ground-breaking technology, by which Google Glass eye-wear technology and Android apps will be revamped to provide vital real-time info before the eyes of soldiers on the battlefront, putting them a step ahead of the terrorists.
The new breakthrough was announced on Wednesday by the IDF Blog website, and thanks to it commanders will be able to be directly involved with their troops in the field, telling them exactly what’s going down moments before it happens.
“After Operation Protective Edge, there became a greater understanding that mobility is a significant factor in combat,” Capt. Rotem, Head of Development Branch, was quoted as saying in the report.
Rotem added that “one of the things we’re working on is a change in the perception of mobility within the development branch of the IDF. In the coming year we will learn how to develop and utilize Android apps, and enter the realm of multi-faceted technology.”
Through the apps and combat-class Google Glass for soldiers, troops in the field will be provided command and control screens, and likewise the control center will be able to assess the situation of soldiers in the midst of battle.
“Of course the goal is not to confuse, but to add information that can help fighters make correct decisions – to prevent firing at our forces for example,” Rotem explained.
Turning civilian technology such as Google Glass and Android apps into a powerful weapon is just part of a project that in the future aims to use the capabilities in the fields of transport, navigating the battlefield and identification, for example identifying fallen soldiers through a biometric element.
“We have completed our first application that works on a mobile platform – mobile logistics transportation,” detailed Rotem. “It displays a map on the screen, displaying the route they are taking to deliver logistics, trucks with weapons, etc. This enables the commanders to gather updates on the delivery during the fighting, when it will reach the area – and be able to control the means of transport.”