A kassam rocket exploded in open territory Thursday in the Eshkol Regional Council area, bordering Gaza.
No injuries or damage was reported from the missile, which was fired by terrorists from the Hamas enclave.
The “color red” siren was not sounded prior to the blast.
An IDF spokesperson said that more than 100 missiles fired by Gaza terrorists have hit Israel this year, reports AFP.
Last Thursday, an explosive charge was detonated by Gaza terrorists, targeting IDF forces in the area.
The bomb was placed on the Gaza security fence, in the northern area of Gaza; no injuries or damage resulted from the blast.
The week before that attack, terrorists in Gaza fired a salvo of seven rockets into southern Israel, one of which narrowly missed a synagogue packed with worshippers in the city of Sderot.
A total of two rockets landed in Sderot, which lies on the border with the Hamas-controlled territory, as hundreds of worshippers were gathered for the final day of the Jewish festival of Passover. Miraculously no one was hurt, although police said in a statement that a road in a residential neighborhood was damaged.
Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Wednesday declared “we have no history and no future other than in jihad and struggle, and beside the path of the struggle, we are also working actively on the path of diplomatic policy and popular mass struggle,