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svgadminsvgNovember 14, 2011svgNews

France Nixes Military Strike on Iranian Nukes

France has ruled out the military option in dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe warned Monday that such a move send events into “an uncontrollable spiral,” Reuters reported.

France has expressed deep concern over the Iranian nuclear program and its clear progress towards development of a nuclear warhead.

The latest report by the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency made it clear that Iran is intent on creating such a weapon.

Nevertheless, the French government opposes considering a military strike against Tehran because it might cause irreparable damage.

Speaking with reporters in Brussels following a meeting with counterparts at the European Union offices, Juppe said the body would tighten sanctions by asking the European Investment bank to freeze loans to Iran.

No decision was reached on any further sanctions, although the EU foreign ministers agreed to discuss the matter again at their next meeting on December 1.

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