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svgadminsvgJanuary 1, 2012svgNews

Fatah Exposes Plan to Kill Ariel Sharon

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement exposed on Sunday a video which shows the former head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s military wing, Khalil al-Wazir (who was known as “Abu Jihad”), plotting to kill Ariel Sharon who then served as a Cabinet minister, Channel 2 News reported.

According to the report, the video was released in honor of the anniversary of the establishment of the Fatah movement.

The video, which was filmed in 1985, shows Abu Jihad as he briefs dozens of terrorists and explains to them how they should arrive by boat to the beach in Tel Aviv, infiltrate into Israel, break into the Defense Ministry’s offices and take hostages. Abu Jihad is also shown explaining to the terrorists how to kill Sharon.

Al-Wazir was the planner of numerous terror attacks against civilians, including the 1976 attack in which terrorists captured the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv and killed eight hostages and two soldiers, and the Coastal Road massacre.     

He was killed in 1988 in his home in Tunis in a commando operation allegedly carried out by Israel.

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