Arutz Sheva got a chance to speak with former Defense Minister Moshe Arens at a conference at Ariel University in Samaria, and learned from him about the real impact of the BDS movement aiming to boycott the Jewish state.
Arens began by speaking about the event at the university, noting it was an annual meeting of the board of governors and aims to improve the institution which has often suffered discriminative treatment due to its location in Samaria.
Regarding the boycott movement, he said it “is having a marginal effect on the Israeli economy,” noting that “the economy is growing from year to year” and that the state continues to attract investments from major international companies.
“I’d say it’s a nuisance, maybe a little more than a nuisance, but not much more,” said Arens.
The issue has captured public attention in recent days after French telecoms giant Orange last week announced it will cut ties with the Israeli company Partner that franchises its name in Israel, a day after Orange’s CEO said he would “dump” Israel “tomorrow.”
As for what Israel should do to counter the BDS movement, which reportedly pressured Orange for months leading up to the decision, Arens suggested that Israel focus on growing the economy, expanding the hi-tech industry and advancing education, such as at Ariel University.