Soldiers who serve in the Border Police, along with dozens of other volunteers, took part over the weekend in a Kimcha dePascha (“Pesach flour” in Aramaic) initiative by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto.
Kimcha dePascha involves packing and delivering packages with Passover food for those who are less fortunate and cannot afford to buy kosher for Passover products on their own. This past weekend, the officers and the volunteers packed food boxes for 12,000 families. The packages, which include 92 basic food products for Passover, are delivered right to the families’ front doors.
The national center in which the packages are prepared is located in a special area in a shopping center in Ashdod. The prepared food packages are then loaded onto tractor-trailer trucks and make their way to the families who live in all parts of Israel, from Beit She’an in the north to Eilat in the south.