The anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement invaded the Tesco supermarket in Birmingham, on February 4, removing Israeli goods from the shelves, labeling them with stickers that read “Boycott Israeli Goods,” and urging customers to refrain from buying products made in Israel.
Tesco is the largest supermarket chain in the UK, and yet, store management never sought to use available resources to call the police or take actions against the anti-Israel protesters.
The BDS movement, as the video footage notes, outlines three demands.
First, it “calls for boycotting, divesting from, and imposing sanctions on, Israel until it ends its occupation of the 1967 territories, including the wall and the settlements and so on.”
Their second demand is for Israel to “end its system of racial discrimination” against the ‘Palestinians’ within the country, while the “third and foremost demand” is for Israel “to recognize and enable the right of return for Palestinian refugees.”
Even Norman Finkelstein, the infamous “Palestinian activist” and former ardent supporter of BDS, admitted that the right or return “means you completely overnight, radically completely, change the demographics of the country” and will strip the State of Israel of its Jewish identity.
The speaker featured in the video claims that the BDS movement is “not singling out Israel” unfairly. Rather, he argues, it is the Western governments who are “singling out Israel” by providing her with “so much,” “unchecked,” and “unconditional” support.
Peter Bella of the Washington Times deconstructed the BDS myth by articulating that the movement “conveniently choose[s] to ignore the perfectly legal and constitutional religious bigotry in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Uganda, Nigeria, Libya, and others. They choose to ignore the harsh, violent, and deadly religious persecution and genocide going on in those countries. But they are not Israel, where none of that happens.”
“Israel is the freest and most democratic country in the region. People from all religions, races, and lifestyles are allowed to live without exclusion or punishment for who or what they are. The Knesset and Supreme Court are multi-cultural, as is the military,” Bella continues.
The speaker in the video then denies accusations that the BDS movement is anti-Semitic, citing the small, but vocal group of radical left leaning Jewish academics within Israel who have “adopted the BDS call.” These Jews abet the movement’s efforts by seeking to convince artists not to perform in Israel, urging companies to refrain from investing in Israel, accusing the Israel Defense Forces of committing war crimes, and devoting efforts to de-legitimizing Israel within the eyes of the international community.
Finkelstein exposed the movement for being “a cult” and confessed that it is no “accident” or “unwitting omission” that BDS does not mention Israel‘s right to exist.
“It’s not like, oh man, we forgot to mention it…” and said that he “loathed the movement’s duplicity and disingenuousness” in hiding the fact that the majority — if not entirety — of those involved in BDS do, in fact, want to completely eliminate Israel.