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svgadminsvgSeptember 8, 2015svgNews

Arabs Attack Two Buses En Route to Jerusalem

Two buses traveling from Ma’ale Adumim to Jerusalem on Route 417 were attacked by Arab terrorists on Tuesday night. 

None of the occupants were injured, though two window panes were damaged. Police estimated the shattered windows had been caused by either rocks or marbles. 

Security forces were in the area searching for suspects and directing traffic on the road. Extensive searches yielded the discovery of a cluster of marbles apparently used by the assailants. 

Last week, an Israeli Jew was lightly injured during a shooting attack at Jit Junction in Samaria. 

The terrorists fired at his car from their own vehicle before fleeing in the direction of the Gilead axis road. 

The driver, 46, arrived at the entrance of Kedumim lightly wounded. Ephraim Brigade medics provided him with initial treatment before a Magen David Adom team called to the scene took him to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. 

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