A female Arab terrorist attempted to murder an Israel Border Guard on Sultan Suleiman street in Jerusalem. The Arab attacked the officer with a knife outside a police station on the street. The officer fought back his attacker, and was lightly wounded. The terrorist was subdued by several officers near the building.
It was just the latest in a series of attacks by Arabs in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria over the past few days, as PA Arabs showed their solidarity with Gaza Arabs, as Israel attacked terrorists and terror installations in Gaza during Operation Pillar of Defense. On Wednesday night, a terrorist fired at an Israeli bus in Gush Etzion, apparently shooting from a passing car. No one was injured, but the bus was damaged. Near Psagot in the Binyamin region, Arab terrorists threw a firebomb at an IDF patrol. Soldiers launched a search for the terrorists. No arrests have been made yet. There were also numerous reports of rock-throwing throughout Wednesday night.
Overnight Wednesday, the IDF conducted a large-scale arrest campaign in Judea and Samaria, targeting terrorists who have been involved in security incidents over the past few days. The IDF was assisted by the Israel Police and Border Guards. Fifty-five terrorists were arrested in the campaign, among them members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah. Among the detainees were members of the Palestinian Authority parliament.