Ambassador Haley Will Not Let U.N. Bash Israel
The US Ambassador to the UN declared unequivocally that the US is now fighting for Israel at the UN, which is notorious for its hostility toward the Jewish state.
“The days of standing by passively while Israel is bashed at the United Nations [are] over,” US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley vowed in a speech on Saturday night at the Israeli-American Council’s national conference in Washington, D.C.
“It’s no secret that the UN is a hostile place for Israel. The rough breakdown at the UN is half the time on Israel, and half the time on the other 192 countries,” said Haley, who praised Israel for staying in the UN despite “almost constant harassment and hostility.”
The former South Carolina governor quickly turned into a rising star for the Jewish and pro-Israel communities from the start of her term as ambassador, when she declared she would put an end to the persecution of Israel in the international body. In October, the US announced its plans to withdraw from UNESCO, citing the UN cultural body’s “anti-Israel bias.”
Haley also said that the US is ready to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) unless it institutes reforms, including removing Israel as a permanent item on its agenda, the notorious “Item seven.”
“The Human Rights Council will either adopt these reforms, or the United States will leave,” Haley said.
She described the Obama administration’s allowing of a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel as a “betrayal” of Israel.
Haley said she agrees with President Donald Trump that the Iran nuclear deal “is very, very flawed.” Last month, Trump refused to recertify the Islamic Republic’s compliance with the accord.
“The president’s action has put the Iran deal back in play,” said Haley. “It has opened a lot of eyes to the dangerous Iranian conduct the world has overlooked to preserve a deeply flawed deal.”