9 Israeli Products Make TIME Top 100 Inventions of 2019
Watergen, Tyto Care, OrCam, ECOncrete, Theranica, Temi and Eviation products make main list; Lemonade and ElliQ receive special mention.
In addition to seven Israeli products on the list, two others were singled out for special mention.
• Watergen for its GENNY units that can produce up to 7 gallons of water daily from the ambient air, with no plumbing required;
• Tyto Care for its TytoHometelehealth exam kit for home use;
• OrCam for its MyEye2 wearable AI-driven MyEye 2 artificial vision device;
• ECOncrete for its environmentally sensitive concrete products that enhance marine life while increasing the structural stability, longevity and aesthetics of urban waterfronts and coastal structures;
• Theranica Nerivio for its patch to treat migraines through electrical stimulation;
• Temi for its child-friendly personal robot aimed at linking busy families;
• Eviation Aircraft for its all-electric nine-passenger plane.
“To assemble our 2019 list, we solicited nominations across a variety of categories from our editors and correspondents around the world, as well as through an online application process. Then TIME evaluated each contender based on key factors, including originality, creativity, influence, ambition and effectiveness,” the magazine explained.
In addition to the Top 100, 30 products received special mention.
Among them were ElliQ from Intuition Robotics, an assistive robot geared for use by the elderly; and the “Giveback” program of insure-tech companyLemonade that allows policyholders to donate unused funds to charity. As of July, the 2019 Lemonade Giveback totaled $631,540.17.